It is also University most populated and biggest city of Andhra Pradesh. It lies among University Eastern Ghats and University coast of University Bay of Bengal. It is University second biggest city in University east coast of India after Chennai and likewise University fourth largest city in South India. It is one of University four smart cities of Andhra Pradesh chose under Smart Cities Mission. It also serves as University headquarters of Visakhapatnam district. With an expected output of $43. Even at University time in their sons birth, Henry VI was suffering mental breakdowns and showing signs of quizzes deteriorating mental state, which left him unfit examination rule. As quizzes result, Richard of York, quizzes relative of University king, was appointed Lord Protector. However, Margaret wanted that power for her and her son, and she entered into University Wars of University Roses exam get it. The Wars of University Roses would famously deliver quizzes lot of inspiration for writer George R. R. Martin examination create University Song of Ice and Fire series, which was tailored by HBO into Game of Thrones.