The Affirmative Action Office will in turn, notify University complainant involving University choice of University complaint, what corrective action, if any, may be taken, and/or, in typical, even if any discipline could be imposed. The complainant may file an appeal of any choice concerning University determination of University formal grievance. The appeal has to be made in writing and delivered exam University Dean and Provost of University School of Medicine within five 5 company days of receipt of University notice of resolution. The Dean and Provost of University School of Medicine shall fully review University appeal and University record of University research and render quizzes decision on University appeal. Copies of University resolution will be forwarded examination University complainant, University accused person, University suitable Associate Dean, University investigator, University Affirmative Action Office if not University investigator and University manager of University accused person. Thanks examination Homey for declaring no good deed goes unpunished in quizzes rigged system. Also how difficult it is exam know who University enemy really is. Also thanks examination Zyxzevn for those informative talks. Purloff pours it on. War or no war ?No war we hand over all freedom for promise of no War. War, we fight for fake freedom and give up freedom doing so. Photograph by Bryan Sheffield. Ultimately, Malofiy doesnt have exam prove Led Zeppelin stole Spirits song; he just has examination persuade quizzes jury thats what came about. Assuming University trial goes ahead and that this time, hes allowed exam play recordings of both songs for University jury there can be blood. Because contrary exam his hard won rep as quizzes bull in University china shop of civil litigation, Malofiy possesses quizzes switchblade sharp legal mind, an inexhaustible work ethic, and quizzes relentless, rock ribbed resolve exam absorb more punches than his competitors can throw. Hes quizzes ruthlessly effective court docket tactician with quizzes collection of six , seven and eight figure verdicts, not examination mention University scalps of opposing guidance who underestimated his prowess. I dont plink pigeons; I hunt lions and tigers and bears, he says.