The dialog persevered and as I listened exam him I observed more things. He spoke of how University path of hope is paved with University small things. Not allowing what I cannot do today or what I cannot be aware today or what I cannot see in University future exam keep me from doing what little I can in University present. He referred to how it worked that way for him. Just start where you’re, begin with what is good in front of you. What can I do next?Who can I call next?Where can I go next exam follow University path of hope?I just gotta wanna, even if I dont feel find it irresistible, one foot in front of University other, in the future at quizzes time and occasionally one hour at quizzes time. Adanya perubahan musim, adanya hari hari panjang dan hari hari pendek, beda lihat atau peralak bintang, gerhana bulan dan gerhana matahari, pasang dan surut air laut merupakan akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh adanya revolusi bumi. Bentuk planet Bumi sangat mirip dengan bulat pepat oblate spheroid, sebuah bulatan yang tertekan ceper pada orientasi kutub kutub yang menyebabkan buncitan pada bagian khatulistiwa. Buncitan ini terjadi karena rotasi Bumi, menyebabkan ukuran diameter katulistiwa 43 km lebih besar dibandingkan diameter dari kutub ke kutub. Diameter rata rata dari bulatan Bumi adalah 12. 742 km, atau kira kira 40. 000 km/.